Did you know that templates can be super versatile? You can use them to create just about anything. (Psst: There’s a coupon and freebie below!) 

Canva templates can be super versatile. If you're feeling stuck in your designs,  change things up! I'm sharing 6 alternate ways to use them.

Over the years I’ve created templates for print media, digital scrapbooking, printables and more. And one of the frustrations I hear from people is that they just don’t know how to use the template. Templates are supposed to make things easy, but sometimes they can be just as frustrating as starting with a blank canvas. 

Does that sound like you?

Well, guess what my friend. You can change the templates. They exist to make design easy for you. And you can do whatever you want!

Photo doesn’t fit: Adjust the photo shape.

Colors don’t match: Pick new ones.

Font is boring: Switch it up.

The template creator probably won’t mind at all – I know I don’t!

Now, another cool thing about templates is that you can find templates designed for one type of project, but use it for something entirely different. I do this all the time on Canva when I’m looking for some inspiration.

I’m going to show you six ways you can mix things up when you’re using my Build Your Own Branding templates and hopefully will inspire you to think outside the template!  

Workbook templates

Build Your Own Branding Workbook
Build Your Own Branding Workbook
Build Your Own Branding Workbook
Build Your Own Branding Workbook

Don’t have enough content? Think your readers prefer shorter bites of content?
Instead of a 20 page workbook, you can create 3 or 4 lead magnets using the pages. Mix them up however you’d like to suit your writing style, your content, and your followers. 

Social Media and Stories templates

Build Your Own Branding Social Media
Build Your Own Branding Social Media
Build Your Own Branding Social Media

You can use these square and rectangular shapes to create a vision board! Fill them with quotes that inspire you and images of places you want to go. Print them out and put them somewhere you’ll look at them frequently.

Media Kit

Build Your Own Branding media kit

Maybe you don’t need a media kit. This page template would make a great flyer. Promote your house listings, your yard sale, or an open mic night.

Welcome Kit

Build Your Own Branding Welcome Kit

This would work well for different kinds of businesses. Real estate agents can use this as a brochure for an open house. Use it as a program for a training session..


Build Your Own Branding Check list

You can use these as to-do lists, staff lists, team rosters, or even resumes. 


Build Your Own Branding Pinterest templates
Build Your Own Branding Pinterest templates

You can use these pinterest templates to make some cool business cards or bookmarks. 

How do you use templates?

So you just need to think outside the template and make it fit your needs! Let me know if you’ve found creative ways to use templates.

If you’d like to try out any of my Build Your Own Branding templates, here’s a coupon for 10 percent off: BYOB2021

And you can grab my free to-do list printables that coordinate with the Build Your Own Branding System. Please share and pin this post if you found it helpful.