Have you ever had an idea, thrown it together, and then it all worked? This is what happened when my best friend and I created a virtual event in just four weeks called the Refocus Recalibrate Restart Challenge.
Two weekends ago, I was glued to my desk and my laptop as we went live with the Refocus Recalibrate Restart Challenge. I was so anxious in the mornings leading up to sessions each day.
And then, it was just like magic. Seriously, I got chills. I cried. I laughed. I felt all the things. If I wasn’t running the event with my business partner Melissa Hunter, I would have paid to be there. It was that good.
The quote that really won the weekend for me was from Desiree Martinez of All in One Social Media.
“Your dreams are tired of watching Netflix.”
That sums up why we created this event. We wanted people, mostly video creators, to take action and change things up. And let me tell you, I’m ready to do that in my life and business.
Here are some things I learned in our Refocus, Recalibrate, Restart Challenge.

Done is better than perfect.
Tim and Allison Jones showed us how you can easily create a product, course, ebook using online services really quickly. I know that my perfectionism holds me up when I could just get things done. Even writing blog posts can take me way longer than needed because I read, reread, rewrite, re-edit. But you just need to put stuff out there if you want to earn.
Don’t have all your eggs in one basket.
So many of our speakers, including Eugene Lee of Channel Meter, Holly McCaig of HollyPixels and Scott Simson of Video Marketing World, talked about creating alternate revenue sources. Justin and Cassi Evans of Epic Toy Channel discussed Custom Thumbnails, which started as a side business and has grown into a company with multiple designers and steady clients.
You can’t blame YouTube if your channel or business isn’t doing well. You need to think about what else you can be doing and what other platforms you can use. Start a blog, an email list, consider different audiences.
I love that speaker Jessica Hatch, who has a really successful YouTube channel Gone to the Snow Dogs, calls herself a social media content creator, and not a YouTuber, because she is on just about every platform and making deals.

You need 1,000 loyal fans
Some of our speakers, such as Jennifer Kupcho of Miracle Minded Woman and Dave Gambrill of Digital Marketing Mentorship, talked about building communities and building trust. By showing up for your community, being yourself and providing value, your audience will look to you as an expert, but also as someone who cares. They’d be more likely to buy from you or trust the affiliate products you share.
We learned so much our brains hurt
When we started this event, we were excited about learning along the way. We didn’t expect to learn so much ourselves from this amazing lineup of speakers.
So if you missed the Refocus, Recalibrate, Restart Challenge, you can purchase the recordings for $99. That’s a steal. These sessions are packed with super valuable information and inspiring stories to help you take control of your business. We created this as an event for video creators, but these lessons can help anyone who wants a push in a new direction.
We chose speakers who are not the usual folks you hear from at video creator conferences. Some of them have never done speaking gigs like this. We wanted to bring together people with interesting stories, backgrounds, and strategies. Almost all of them have had to Refocus, Recalibrate, Restart along the way.
What we learned is that there are so many opportunities out there. Speakers touched on alternate platforms for video, video streaming, taking events virtual, affiliate marketing, building a brand, launching a course, starting a list, creating e-books, marketing opportunities and so much more.
Plus we heard from inspirational speakers like Tim Ringgold, a certified music therapist, and Merideth Viguers, of Mpowered You, who helped us see that you can get past the problems you’re facing and do that thing you’ve been dreaming of.

Do a life inventory
Justin and Cassi talked about doing a life inventory – sitting down and thinking about what they’re good at, what was available, what they could do, what they enjoy, what could work, and so many of the speakers talked about refocusing in their business and life.
In the days since the challenge, we’ve been having conversations with people who attended who are already taking action: creating freebies, setting up their email list, and just doing that inventory. We’re so awed that we were able to put this event together, and that we helped some people along the way. That’s all we really wanted to do.
If you plan to join in the challenge or you enjoyed this post, please share and Pin!