My wardrobe is pretty much graphic tees and leggings, but there’s still so much I love about the fashion world. There are so many ways you get inspired by fashion in your graphic design work.
From the red carpet icons and the Met Gala to the summer collections at Target and the catalogs you get in the mail, there’s so much to borrow from – colors, patterns, aesthetic and more.
Classic Simplicity: The Coco Channel rule
“Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.”
I love this quote from Coco Channel. There’s a classic simplicity to Chanel’s brand. You can see this aesthetic in its website, the classic bags, and the Chanel No. 5 bottle. Clean, simple type and classic styles might seem generic, but it’s so recognizable.

When you’re working on a project, think about how you can simplify things. You might be tempted to show off all your skills and throw in lots of bells and whistles (Gradients! Fonts! Colors!) or maybe include tons of copy. But sometimes all that stuff can just be distracting and your message and purpose can get lost.
Some of the most recognizable brands in our culture are so super simple – like the Target bullseye or the Apple on my MacBook. The Global Brand Simplicy Index Study ranked brands like Amazon, Google and Netflix as some of the top simple brands. These brands make life easy with their products and their messaging.
You don’t need to go full Marie Kondo on your work to go for that classic simplicity. Just take a step back and look for one thing you can “take off.”
Look at all the pretty colors
Remember this scene from The Devil Wears Prada, when Meryl Streep’s Miranda Priestly schools Anne Hathaway on color.
The fashion industry is always working ahead of the game, and drawing on the colors that will fill the pages of Vogue next season. Pantone is a great resource for what you can expect to see during fashion week.
I recently worked on a spread for 1766 magazine about Marques Harper, a fellow Rutgers alum and friend, who is the Los Angeles Times fashion editor. I looked for color trends from Pantone and created my palate for my design. A few weeks later, I was shopping at Target and noticed very similar colors all around.

this magazine spread that I designed.

You don’t need to read the haute couture magazines for color inspiration. Look around your favorite stores or browse the catalogs you get in the mail. Take a pic or screen grab and import your image into Adobe Color to create your own palate.
I see a pattern here
Do you ever visit fabric stores? So much inspiration in the rows of bolts. I love the textures and patterns.
If you search for patterns on Creative Market, you’re going to find some cool designs that might remind you of your wardrobe from the 1980s or 90s.

I love quirky and trendy shops like Mod Cloth. Its whole vibe, along with the clothing and accessories, is super inspiring and fun. And you’re sure to see similarities between the patterns of that really cute dress and graphic elements.

Check out this really bold and colorful Marimekko line from Unqilo. It’s a perfect combo of graphic design and fashion.

How are you inspired by fashion?
Let me know in the comments how are you inspired by fashion? You can check out some of my favorite fandom styles on my nerd life blog. Please share and pin this post if you find it inspiring.