Want unlimited access to Girl Scout printables?

Be among the first to find out more about the Girl Scout Leaders' Lounge, where you'll have access to more than a hundred printables, images, and tools for your troop or scout!

The Lounge is now open! You can join here for just $25 through Oct. 10.

Yes, I want all the printables!

Find out more about the Leaders' Lounge!

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    Robin Cabana

    Designer and Troop Leader

    Who am I?

    Hi! I'm Robin Cabana and I'm a graphic designer and Girl Scout troop leader. I run troops for two of my nieces. I was also a Brownie and Junior Scout when I was a kid. I love being able to create and share tools to make being a leader much easier, and now I'm creating the Leader Lounge so you'll have easy access to your own toolbox!

    What you'll get

    • Access to all of my printables, tools, and images for Girl Scout leaders.
    • Request your own printables.
    • Have your tools or printables customized as part of your memebership.